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17 December 2024Commissioning and conducting dementia-related high-quality research.
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Commissioning and conducting high-quality research on mental health
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Delivering a programme of prevention research
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23 August 2022Health and social care research that improves people's health and wellbeing, and promotes economic growth
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21 October 2021Silva Lining’s Care Plan is a podcast drama based on the original diaries of paid carers of people with dementia...
26 May 2021This poem, produced in 2020, is about the experiences and hopes of older people who self-fund their social care produced...
27 December 2020This video, produced in 2018, is the trailer for a play produced by 2BU Productions Ltd based on research findings...
9 November 2020This video, produced in 2017 by the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, explores findings from a...
2 November 2020Phil was one of the trainers who delivered the Who’s Challenging Who (WCW) training course for social care staff designed...
27 October 2020This video, produced in 2017 by the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, explores findings from a...
19 October 2020This video, produced by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York, explores findings from a study about...
12 October 2020This video, produced in 2018 by Housing LIN and the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, explores...
5 October 2020This video, produced in 2017 by the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, explores findings from a...
28 September 2020This video, produced by the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, explores findings from a study on...
21 September 2020This video explores findings from a study led by Staffordshire University completed in 2014 on levels of satisfaction with social...
15 September 2020This graphic novel, produced by cartoonist Tony Husband with the University of Nottingham, explores home care for people living with...
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7 September 2020This awareness film, by the University of Nottingham, was produced as part of a study on forced marriage of people...
31 August 2020This video, produced by the Social Policy Research Unit at University of York, explores findings from a study on finding...
24 August 2020This video was produced by the Social Care Institute for Excellence to explore the experiences of Disabled People from the...
17 August 2020This video explores the care and support arrangements for physically disabled young adults for practitioners. This video was produced in...
10 August 2020This video explores the work of specialist dating and friendship agencies for people with learning disabilities. The video was produced...
3 August 2020Produced by the Social Policy Research Unit at the University of York, this leaflet contains help and advice for people...
27 July 2020This video, produced by Age UK and the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, summaries research findings...
20 July 2020The development of the Connecting People Intervention Model was led by Professor Martin Webber (University of York). This video was...
13 July 2020In this video people with learning disabilities talk about the importance of loving relationships and the kinds of support they...
6 July 2020Ben was one of the trainers who delivered the Who’s Challenging Who (WCW) training course for social care staff designed...
29 June 2020This animated video, produced by the Social Policy Research Unit at University of York, explores independent financial advice for funding...
22 June 2020This video, produced by Age UK and the School for Policy Studies at the University of Bristol, summaries research findings...