Exploring support for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) to find loving relationships
Michelle McCarthy Completed 2019
Michelle McCarthy Completed 2019
In the past, institutionalisation (with strict gender segregation) and compulsory sterilization were used to prevent adults with learning disabilities from enjoying opportunities for a full life including social and sexual relationships. Even though, in more recent decades, such practices and ideas have fallen into disrepute, adults with learning disabilities still often find themselves in a position where they are not given the support they need to find, and keep, a partner, despite this being a life goal for many.
Evidence suggests that LGBT+ people with learning disabilities experience particular challenges when it comes to relationships.
This study aimed to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of formal and informal support for adults with learning disabilities to form loving relationships.
The study involved:
Resources were developed, in partnership with people with learning disabilities, to raise awareness of the importance of relationships and how they might be supported.
Two videos were produced from this study:
Journal papers
Bates C, McCarthy M, Milne Skillman K, Elson N, Forrester-Jones R, Hunt S (2020) “Always trying to walk a bit of a tightrope”: the role of social care staff in supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to develop and maintain loving relationships, British Journal of Learning Disabilities, Published online.
McCarthy M, Milne Skillman K, Elson N, Bates C, Forrester-Jones R, Hunt S (2020) Making connections and building confidence: a study of specialist dating agencies for people with intellectual disabilities, Sexuality and Disability, Published online.