
Upcoming in-person events

20 May 2025

NIHR SSCR Annual Conference 2025

The outline programme will be published along with the registration link in December 2024.

Events Archive

24 Apr 2024

NIHR SSCR Annual Conference 2024

The NIHR School for Social Care Research's Annual Conference takes place on Wednesday 24 and Thursday 25 April 2024.

18 Apr 2023

NIHR SSCR Annual Conference 2023

The NIHR School for Social Care Research's Annual Conference takes place on Tuesday 18 and Wednesday 19 April 2023.

18 Oct 2022

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: NIHR Academy and Social Care

- NIHR Academy and social care

3 Oct 2022

NIHR Three Schools Webinar: Diversity and involvement series, webinar 3

- Diversity and involvement series, webinar 3

26 Apr 2022

NIHR SSCR Annual Conference 2022

The NIHR School for Social Care Research's Annual Conference provides an opportunity to hear about new studies and emerging evidence from across NIHR SSCR’s commissioned studies and their implications for adult social care practice. The conference will feature contributions from experts and practice colleagues in the adult social care field.

17 Mar 2022

NIHR Three Schools Webinar: Diversity and involvement series, webinar 2

- Diversity and involvement series, webinar 2

13 Dec 2021

NIHR Three Schools Webinar: Diversity and involvement series, webinar 1

- Diversity and involvement series, webinar 2

23 Nov 2021

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Conversation analysis in adult social care

- Conversation analysis in adult social care

20 Jul 2021

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Catalogue of Mental Health Measures

- Catalogue of Mental Health Measures

6 Jul 2021

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Feasibility trials in social care research

- Feasibility trials in social care research

22 Jun 2021

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Economic evaluation in adult social care

- Economic evaluation in adult social care

11 May 2021

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Representation in adult social care surveys

- Representation in Adult Social Care Surveys

29 Mar 2021

NIHR SSCR Annual Conference 2021

The NIHR School for Social Care Research's Annual Conference provides an opportunity to hear about new studies and emerging evidence from across NIHR SSCR’s commissioned studies and their implications for adult social care practice. The conference will feature contributions from experts and practice colleagues in the adult social care field.

2 Mar 2021

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Normalization process theory in social care

- Normalization process theory in social care

19 Feb 2021

NIHR SSCR Social Care Statistics Webinar: Understanding instrumental variables and data visualisation

- Instrumental variables estimation - Plotting poetry: beyond a grammar of graphics

16 Feb 2021

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Realist evaluation and reviews in social care research

- Realist evaluation and reviews in social care research

2 Feb 2021

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Inclusion of people who cannot self-report

- Methods to enable the inclusion of people who cannot self-report in research

19 Jan 2021

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Participatory research

- Participatory research in social care contexts

1 Dec 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Mixed methods research

- An introduction to mixed methods research

17 Nov 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: NIHR CRN and social care

- NIHR Clinical Research Network and social care

10 Nov 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Delayed discharge of care

- Identifying local authorities with unexplained rates of delayed transfers of care - The impact of Urgent and Emergency Care (UEC) Vanguard on delayed transfers of care - Key causes of delayed transfer: stakeholder views from case study sites - Social care influence on delayed transfer

20 Oct 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Complex interventions

- Developing, adapting and evaluating interventions in complex social systems

13 Oct 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Focus on care homes

- Investigating "optimal time": Multiple perspectives on the timing of moving into care homes for people with dementia - Regulator quality ratings and care home residents quality of life

15 Sep 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Focus on physical disabilities

- Bathing adaptations in the homes of older adults (BATH-OUT) - Scoping the issue and evidence around Changing Places facilities 

8 Sep 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Spotlight on capacity building internships

- Community work through football: to what extent do football-based interventions for adults connect with a community social work approach? 

1 Sep 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: End of life care

- Learning from international models of advance care planning to inform evolving practice in England  - Supporting carers providing end-of-life care during the transition from hospital to their family member's preferred place of care

18 Aug 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Learning and development disabilities

- Evaluating the impact of communication passports for people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) living in adult social care - Bridging the translation gap between learning disability policy and practice in search of flourishing lives

11 Aug 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Developmental disabilities

- The social care needs of adults with Tourette’s syndrome

4 Aug 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Interfaces with social care

- Care and support for people with social care needs in prison - Impacts of climate change on adults in need of care and support: service, carer and care user perspectives

28 Jul 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Spotlight on capacity-building for social care professionals

- Understanding the enablers and barriers to the use of evidence in decision making within adult social care - Supporting research within social care operational teams

14 Jul 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Statistical methods in social care research

- The good, the bad and the ugly: reflections from conducting a trial in social care - Social care data: challenges and opportunities for evaluation

7 Jul 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Intellectual disabilities

- Becoming less eligible? Intellectual disability services in the age of austerity - Forced marriage of adults with learning disabilities – developing knowledge, policy and practice to keep people safe

23 Jun 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar: Dementia

- Dementia, social care and bisexuality - Home care in dementia: critical components for effectiveness

10 Jun 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity-building Webinar: Research Ethics and Adult Social Care

- Approaching research ethics in adult social care: Theories, issues and practical strategies - Ethics review and MCA research

9 Jun 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar Series: Loneliness

– Isolation and loneliness in people with sight loss in care homes – Older men at the margins

26 May 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar Series: Economics

– The economic case for a range of social care interventions

12 May 2020

NIHR SSCR Webinar Series: Dementia

– Broadening our understanding of good home care
– Interviewing people living with dementia in social care research

27 Feb 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity Building Workshop: Implementation science

Implementation science: what can it contribute to social care research and the evidence base for improving practice?

12 Feb 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity Building Workshop: Applying for research funding

This workshop is aimed at helping participants improve their grant writing to be more successful in their applications.

16 Jan 2020

NIHR SSCR Capacity Building Workshop: From to social care

This workshop will discuss the experiences and methods behind the Health Talk online resource for the public and application to social care.

11 Apr 2019

Annual Conference 2019

The School's tenth annual conference on 11 April 2019.