New projects to support research impact, involvement and capacity-building

New projects to support research impact, involvement and capacity-building

Eighteen small-scale awards have received funding of £350,000 to add value to School’s research activities.

Twelve awards funded through a Rapid Internal Fund will be delivered by the School’s Core Member Universities. Projects run through until April 2024, covering a range of impact, involvement and capacity-building activities.

Six awards have been funded through an Evidence Implementation Fund and will be led by practice-based organisations working with academic partners through the School.

The full list of awards is as follows:

Rapid Internal Fund

Co-creating a paper with people who use services: The value of the Rules of The Three Conversations – perspectives of people who deliver and receive services
Jessica Carlisle, London School of Economics and Political Science

Developing animations to disseminate SSCR study findings: driving research impact through creative media
Jess Harris, King’s College London

Exploring the links between housing and care in the Sylheti community in London
Jayeeta Rajagopalan, London School of Economics and Political Science

Improved public involvement strategy for the ongoing study: “System thinking for distributional economic evaluations in social care”
Dr Magdalena Walbaum, London School of Economics and Political Science

Masters-level training opportunities in the SSCR/Curiosity Partnership
Professor Yvonne Birks, University of York

Reigniting debate and stimulating a momentum for change: the role of research findings in engaging policy makers with current priorities for people with a learning disability
Professor David Abbott, University of Bristol

Synergies between the 3Cs Theory of Change and the CQC outcomes framework: enhancing utility of the 3Cs Theory of Change for adult social care
Dr Madeleine Stevens, London School of Economics and Political Science

Updating datasets on the catalogue of social care data and producing outputs using catalogue datasets
Dr Derek King, London School of Economics and Political Science

Why are we stuck in hospital – understanding the perspectives of people with learning disabilities and/or autistic people, family and staff when transforming care for people in ‘long-stay’ hospitals: Exhibition and associated activities
Professor Jon Glasby, University of Birmingham

Visualising discrete choice data to support better decision making in social care homelessness
Dr Michela Tinelli, London School of Economics and Political Science

Evidence Implementation Fund

Building capacity for future evaluation of residential treatment for people experiencing homelessness and addiction
Led by Ed Addison, The People’s Recovery Project

Developing and using co-produced research outputs focusing on transition to adulthood for young people with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. “More than Muscle and Movement.”
Led by Suzanne Glover, Pathfinders Neuromuscular Alliance

How effective is the Three Conversation model in practice and how is it being experienced by practitioners and service users?
Led by Ndaizivei Nyamazazare, London Borough of Redbridge

The implementation of Curious about Care for values-based recruitment
Led by Mark Wilberforce, University of York

Peer support for social care in prison in Lancashire: A mixed studies review, development of best practice guidance and logic model, and implementation workshops
Led by Ryan Cowley-Sharp, Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Foundation Trust

Using an evidence-based Theory of Change for strengths and relationships-based approaches as a practical roadmap for developing and monitoring the role of commissioning in adult social care
Led by Miranda Johnson-MacGill, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea & Westminster City Council

Further details for these awards will be available shortly at

Thursday, October 26th, 2023

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