Call for Proposals, May 2019

NIHR SSCR invited Stage 1 (outline) proposals for research projects to address themes identified as priorities for improving the evidence base for adult social care. We sought innovative, original, high-quality proposals which demonstrate relevance for, and potential to improve, adult social care practice and outcomes for people in England. Projects are expected to start in Spring 2020 with funding for up to three years.

This is a two-stage call. Successful outline proposal applicants will be invited to submit a further application for stage 2. The deadline for Stage 1 was 16.30 on 17 July 2019.

The School has a total budget of £3 million available for this call and expects to commission a range of projects.

Further details are set out in the following documents:

Research Brief (PDF)
Stage 1 Application Form (Downloads as Word)
Guidance for Applicants (PDF)
NIHR SSCR_External Call_Pre-qualification Questionnaire (PDF)