Improving social care support for victims of violence in the British South Asian community: Saqba Batool

Saqba Batool Completed   2022


Dr Saqba Batool is a researcher within the Social Care and Society Centre at the University of Manchester who specialises in social care, mental health, and abuse research, particularly in marginalised communities. Her PhD focused on online grooming and sexual exploitation of children and young people.


This career development award aims to build on Saqba’s PhD by developing research focusing on the social care needs of British south Asian victims of violence, their access and engagement with social services in order to improve social care support.

During her award Saqba will:

  • Conduct a scoping literature review on social services’ approaches and support for British south Asian victims of violence to inform a fellowship application;
  • facilitate workshops with professionals and survivors of violence in the south Asian community to inform the design and methodology of the fellowship research;
  • publish four papers in peer-reviewed journals;
  • develop a minimum of three vignettes that will be used in the research proposed for the fellowship;
  • visit an organisation in Blackburn to gain an in-depth understanding of the work they do with BME communities in relation to awareness of domestic violence and sexual abuse;
  • strengthen her network of researcher connections; and
  • undertake a Postgraduate Award to develop advanced mixed methods research training.