Supporting decision making for people with learning disabilities: Elizabeth Croot
Elizabeth Croot Completed 2022
Elizabeth Croot Completed 2022
Dr Elizabeth Croot is a Senior Research Fellow at the School of Health and Related Research (ScHARR) with expertise in developing and adapting complex interventions. Her goal is to expand her knowledge and establish a career in adult social care research involving people with learning disabilities, who are significant users of social care.
Elizabeth’s research focuses on how carers support people with learning disabilities to make and implement decisions. Although people with learning disabilities may require support for decisions about a wide range of issues there is little guidance for carers about how to support decision making.
This career development award aims to support Elizabeth to work with service providers, people with learning disabilities and their carers to generate ideas and co-produce a research proposal focusing on the way that people with learning disabilities are supported to participate in, and communicate, their decisions about things that affect their lives.
Elizabeth’s award will support her to build networks, develop an advisory group of research partners and become familiar with relevant literature.