“My Life” - co-producing self-management resources with people living with dementia
Rachael Litherland Completed 2024
Rachael Litherland Completed 2024
In 2021 Rachael Litherland was instrumental in co-producing a resource for and by people with dementia called My Life, My Goals. This was an output of the GREAT-IP research project – cognitive rehabilitation that supports people with dementia with their everyday activities. Over eight months a team of people with dementia worked with researchers to: learn about cognitive rehabilitation, share and create examples, translate the research evidence so that people could practice strategies themselves and write and design My Life, My Goals.
This work potentially provides a model for the development of a suite of resources that meet a range of needs. These would provide practitioners with things to offer or signpost to and would lead to more helpful and hopeful discussions around living with dementia. In turn, these resources might be expected to help people to manage better with dementia and live more positively.
The aims of this award are to: