Greig R, Chapman P, Eley A, Watts R, Love B, Bourlet G
Community Care 2013, March
Available online 1 Mar 2014
The final report from a two year study on employment support for people with mental health problems or learning disabilities. The study focused on three areas: the cost effectiveness or value for money of current models of employment support, whether outcomes varied for different models used, and if outcomes were affected by approaches of commissioners to implementing local employment strategies. The report summarises the findings of a scoping review, findings from national and local data collection on the quality and effectiveness of employment support, and findings from in-depth field work visits to 11 sites to see local commissioners implemented employment strategies. Five Theories of Change identified from the field visits are discussed: shifting culture, employment outcomes, strategic direction, developing the market and performance management. They were seen as aspects that needed to be in place to delivery cost effective outcomes.