2021Online advice to carers: an updated review of local authority websites in England | Visit project page
2020Evaluating the impact of communication passports | Visit project page
2020Exploring the role of volunteers in care settings for older people (ERVIC) | Visit project page
2020Isolation and loneliness in people with sight loss in care homes (the INSIGHT project) | Visit project page
2020Learning from international models of advance care planning to inform evolving practice in England | Visit project page
2020Making the economic case for social care (The Economics of Social Care Compendium, ESSENCE) | Visit project page
2020Older men at the margins: experiences of seeking social engagement and combating loneliness in later life | Visit project page
2020Optimising the quality of social work decisions in supervision | Visit project page
2020Social care in prisons: A needs assessment and service requirements | Visit project page
2020The social care needs of adults with Tourette’s Syndrome | Visit project page
2020Vision rehabilitation (VR) services: investigating the impacts of two service models | Visit project page
2019A cluster randomised controlled trial to test "Who’s Challenging Who" | Visit project page
2019Investigating ‘optimal time’: Perspectives on the timing of people living with dementia moving into care homes | Visit project page
2019Is there a clearer role for electronic assistive technology and telecare in adult social care? | Visit project page
2019Keeping control: Exploring mental health service user perspectives on targeted violence and abuse in the context of adult safeguarding | Visit project page
2019Socially-oriented approaches to recovery for African and Caribbean men | Visit project page
2019Support for older carers of older people: the impact of the 2014 Care Act 41285 | Visit project page
2019The role of workplace personal assistants for physically disabled people | Visit project page
2019Utilising carer related research and knowledge: a scoping review and information resource | Visit project page
2018Independent financial advice about funding social care in later life | Visit project page
2018Provision of social care in extra care housing: the ECHO study | Visit project page
2018The Community Navigators Study: loneliness in people with complex anxiety or depression | Visit project page
2017Fathers with learning disabilities and their experiences of adult social care services | Visit project page
2017LGBTQI+* Disabled People and self-directed social care support | Visit project page
2017Vulnerable adults in police custody: The role of local authorities in the provision of Appropriate Adults (AA) | Visit project page
2016The changing role of occupational therapy services in social care: a scoping study | Visit project page
2015Development of a care home quality measure based on residents’ quality of life: Views of relatives and members of the public | Visit project page
2015Men living with long-term conditions: exploring gender and improving social care | Visit project page
2015Optimising adult mental health service configurations across health and social care | Visit project page
2015Relocation, portability and social care practice: investigating the barriers and solutions encountered by disabled people when moving across local authority areas for employment and education reasons | Visit project page
2014‘Indirect payments’ for people who lack capacity: How are they working in practice? | Visit project page
2014A new addition to quality monitoring? Development of a care home quality measure based on residents’ quality of life | Visit project page
2013Connecting people: an exploratory study of how health and social care workers help people to develop and maintain relationships | Visit project page
2013How far do managed personal budgets offer choice and control for older people using home care services? | Visit project page
2013The future need for social care services for adults with disabilities in England 2012–30 | Visit project page